Spiritual Counsel/Coaching Sessions

Spiritual Counsel/Coaching & Consulting Sessions with Crystal (Counselor of Counselors/Seer-By-Touch)
Spiritual Counsel / Coaching & Consulting Testimonials
"You are a powerful Seer. There is a powerful Seer spirit with you. You help people find the problem and the solution".
Mandaza KandemweShona traditional healer (nanga)
"You are a "soul counselor" in touch with a person's soul by touch, being near them, talking, & listening to them; able to receive messages or info from crossed-over or distant relatives to assist in a person's healing. You clarify the issue or blockage, & highlight key questions & answers that motivate a person to a healing path & action." M, researcher /reiki practitioner
Mresearcher /reiki practitioner
"Thanks Crystal, you have been so instrumental in helping me make up my mind & make some movement in the direction I should be going in.... You encouraged me, you pushed me, and you went with me, and it's been great ever since."
Msinger / composer
"You were right about your suggestion that I look into oriental medicine training a few years ago. My Babalawo, recently, suggested that I do just that."
Kmassage therapist / reiki practitioner
"At a difficult time, an old family friend went out of her way to call me from out of town to tell me there would be a message from my mother, (from the other side), through a seer. This was something another seer insisted would happen to someone close to her and she could only think of me. It was only a week ago that she told me this and without my mentioning this to you, while receiving energy healing, my mother came with a message for me, through you." "You were right also that I would become a capoeirista"
Jattorney, capoeirista
"I came for understanding of life's guideposts & direction to a pressure-free & peaceful environment. You are a transcendent spirit or mediator that is connecting the dots to spirit… What stood out was the revelation that someone who didn't know me could recite something about my life right on, amazingly. I could let my guard down & be vulnerable & have an interpretation & proper reflection given back to me to deal with the past. It was a mental spiritual tuneup."
Amanager / civil servant
"I came to you,(having forgotten you were an intermediary), for answers & to shed light on my dreams. It was a peaceful, soothing, comforting, serene experience. You did prayer & ritual over me & there was a connection & spirit talked to me through you. I felt more charged & motivated, & now ‘know’ there is a spiritual support & help with me."
Dcomputer specialist
"She (Crystal) is a powerful healer." “You were instrumental in seeing the void in me & assisting me by locating my daughter & supporting reuniting with my estranged daughter.”
Kproducer/reiki master/buddhist lay minister
"Thank you for your instinctive, random calls of support. It really meant a lot to me as I was on drugs at the time, unbeknownst to you. I’m doing yoga now”
“You helped me spiritually, to talk about things I never talked about to anyone, & to take healing action".
"Thank you for your divine wisdom. You wise, wise, honorable, beautiful woman. You hit the bull's eye with your analysis. I can't believe I have an advocate and supporter all the way in sunny California."..."I honestly believe with all my heart that if we would not have had an email correspondence, I would not be where I am today!!!
Tnonprofit administrator
"Thank you...You are a "Golden Phoenix"!"
Y, salesperson / pranic healer"I came for your advice and intuitive input. Talking made it more clear. It was a little journey that flowed. I felt taken care of. I received ancestral guidance for my work I'm called to do. I felt better & pain went away. I know I can do it & it feels more secure."
Awriter / yoga therapist
"...a crystal-clear channel.... I appreciate you. You keep me informed on things. Thank you for the experience.
C.E.singer / reiki practitioner
"You were right about both my friends when you did readings for them. What you predicted for both of them happened, one's son moved out & the other reunited with the person whose name you kept saying, insisting she would, despite her non-belief".
Nnonprofit director
"My oldest son told me he's leaving the state, as you had predicted..." J, nonprofit volunteer
Jnonprofit volunteer
"I spoke again with the detective, you were right about my son's murder...""Thank you so much"!
"You have the gift of Prophecy."
Rev. William Knight